March, 18 2014

Dear Friends of KLEX,

Happy New Year!

This greeting note comes a little late, hope you don’t mind. KLEX would like to wish you all the best for 2014!

We’d just like to express our deepest gratitude once again to all that have supported KLEX pre-festival events throughout the year, and the actual festival in November 2013. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. These wonderful individuals include artists & musicians, friends, sponsors, partners, and colleagues in the media who have helped us, regardless our humble scale and financial limitation, offering their time, expertise and creative energy in building an excellent series of KLEX film and music programmes in 2013. We salute you!

In the coming years, we’ll continue our alternative path of passion in promoting edgy work in film, video and music, and promise to do our best supporting independent and alternative voices in the arts!

We’ve kicked start year 2014 with joining the Visitor Programme to visit the prestigious Berlinale (Berlin International Film Festival), thanks to Goethe-Institute Malaysia and the Foreign Office of Germany for this special opportunity. The experience was very fruitful to gain new insights and friendships in the world of cinema. From March onwards, KLEX has several local and international events lined-up, including screenings at Hallwalls Contemporary Art Center (Buffalo, New York), City University Hong Kong, in Seoul and more. Also stay tuned to our Call-For-Work for KLEX 2014!

Thank you again supporting KLEX and please continue to do so. We wish you a wonderful and productive year ahead!




We’re in the process of re-structuring our team, if there is any delay in reply and info updating, please be patient. Please check our Facebook page for latest updates and news as the updates on website is periodically. Please also don’t hesitate to write us if you have any inquiries: [email protected]


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