The Alchemy #01 : a Yellow Ellipse in a Red Square

Multi-Media Installation
Year : 2018
Artist : Wuttin Chansataboot
Concept :
In the age of information technology where digital media rules the world, mediate communication has been significantly broaden our horizons of realities. In a flash, we could be informed about what is happening on the other side of the world at this very moment.
Unfortunately, what digitally appear before your eyes does not always conform to what really happens in physical realm. What is called “the truth” is not a stable concept rooted firmly in our consciousnesses. In contrast, it is a stream of ideas that could be shifted, manipulated and distorted by the mechanism of media. It is a collective of selected facts that shape our attitudes towards things around us. Therefore, the individuals in this epoch have diverse comprehensions of realities.
“a Yellow Ellipse in a Red Square” is the first episode of “The Alchemy”, a series of experiment in visual art exploring how digital media and means of mass communication could possibly form a new perception of reality by employing optical apparatus as a main tool to convey the idea.

Wuttin’s Short Bio :
Graduated from Slade School of Fine Art, UCL, London in 2011. Wuttin Chansataboot is a Thai media artist and filmmaker working across disciplines from filmmaking to multi-media installation. His video works has been exhibited at film festivals and art events internationally. Chansataboot’s new media project “The Metamorphosis of Self and Identity in Digital Era” won Celeste Prize (in Project Prize category) in Milan which made him the only Asian to be awarded the prize in 2015. He received the gold and silver medals in mixed-media art category from the 61st, 62nd and 63rd National Exhibition of Art, the longest running visual art competition in Thailand. As a full-time lecturer, Chansataboot is currently teaching in sculpture division, Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai University. Alongside his creative practice and teaching career, he is a PhD candidate in Visual Arts programme at Silpakorn University, doing a practice-based research revolving around the effect of virtual interaction on self and identity in social network realm.