Determinism (2013)
0:56 min/silence
Matt Abbiss, UK
“Keyframing denies the possibility of Free Will. Discuss (quietly, on your own).”

6:41 min/sound
Chris Daykin, Sri Lanka
A new animated film as a reflection of the students and their work from the Animation Department, Liverpool in 1981, where some of them became leading animators today. A kind of tribute to the animators in Liverpool making inspiring works in this special year.

Brutalism (2014)
2:43 min/sound
Jessica POON, USA/France/Italy
An animation made to mock the cold, brutal and inhumane political and social world. Through history, architecture has been used as an ideological state apparatus, with its designs and forms, empowered by hypnotizing effects. The rupturing of the Classical, which reflects much more of the individual’s personal and aesthetic influence, and replacing by designs of the Modernist and Brutalist, implies the eradication of personal expressions, defeated by coldness and indifference. Such architectural evolution is compared to the evolution of the art of communication among human beings.

370 New World (2014)
5:08 min/sound
Marcantonio Lunardi, Italy
370 New World is a work on the new solitude created by the economic and social crisis that crosses the whole Europe in the last ten years. The video focuses on the new media. The work is placed beyond the commonplace debate that stigmatizes technology and the social networks. The author simply tries to put in evidence the different solitudes surround various characters.

Friedrichsfelde Ost (2014)
3:50 min/sound
Milica Jovcic & Nenad Cosic, Serbia/Croatia
Metro station as a place of constant moving and repetition. Playing with light and sound from abstract to concrete forms.

Tidal Restlessness (2015)
8:26 min/sound
Nikolai Nekh, Portugal
Each landing stage makes a noise of its own. Several landing stages play a concert for passing ships and the tide accentuates the peculiarities of each sound. Throughout several months, recordings of arriving and departing passengers took place at Cais de Sodré, a ferry station on the banks of Tagus river in Lisbon.

Voyeur (2015)
7:00 min/sound
Liew Chee Heai, Malaysia/Japan
Pleasure emerges from the chiaroscuro of voyeurism between strangers. Voyeurism breaks one’s veil and the unveiling feeds the voyeurist’s hunger. The artwork mainfests human desire and yearning to break free from the reality by creating a fantasy world with distorted realities.

To Face (2014)
5:55 min/sound
Anupong Charoenmitr, Thailand
The experience gained from knowing. Man will link things together in his will. And one important thing that human beings require for understanding the event is “the confrontation” with the story or something by the instinct of self. Upon confrontation, responses received from situations.

Decadence of Nature (2014)
7:00 min/sound
Olga Guse, Germany
Earth pollution is increasing at alarming speed. Fantastic creatures, animals-people try to survive in the new conditions. On the one hand, they suffer from pollution, on the other they continue to sail on the waves of the consumer society.

Run Water Run (2015)
2:00 min/sound
SIM Hoi-ling, Malaysia
We are surrounded by so many things in our everyday life. Those small ordinary moments that we undergo everyday. What about enlarging and inspecting them under the camera lens?

The Stream 4 (2014)
5:35 min/sound
Sakurai Hiroya, Japan
A musical using a sound and the movement of the flowing water. Bubbles,waterweeds, fish and floaters are performers. A waterproof camera was put at the bottom of a river, and the lens was pointed in the sky. This video image communicates both the diversity of expression and liveliness of the water. This shooting location was Ogura-ike Pond Reclaimed Land in Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture.

Deforest (2015)
10:18 min/sound
Grayson Cooke, Australia
“Deforest” is an art/science project that combines environmental critique with material enquiry. In this project, sulphuric acid – a highly corrosive acid that burns to the touch – is used to dissolve photographs of old growth forest from subtropical Queensland. The ruin of the image, the experience of its loss, and its relation to the world at large lies at the core of this project.

Liquefaction (2014)
7:05 min/sound
Ucnv & dj sniff, Japan
After the Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Plant disaster which followed the devastating M9.0 earthquake on March 11, 2011, one of the most significant realizations that myself and many Japanese people had was that this was not a singular event, but rather a longer process that has been building up for years, and now the consequences and repercussions will last for an even longer period of time. But time is relentless, and it will continue to push us into the future whether we like it or not. This work was inspired by this feeling that thing are still, but actuality are moving, very slowly. The music composition takes guitar samples from Japanese experimental musician Otomo Yoshihide, and stretches them out to create static drones that slowly evolve together with other instrumentation. The images focus on micro-movements that are created by residues of force applied to various objects.

Pulse (2015)
6:56 min/sound
TAN Peng Yueh, Malaysia
“This world is connected with everything we had named them or without. Bright and beautiful city lights tell us that the city is alive and breathing in its own pace…. We, human entity, are pulses of the city.”