June, 9 2014

Thank you to all artists!

Thank you to all artists who have taken time and interest to submit works to KLEX 2014!

The international Call For Work is officially closed on 25 May. The submission deadline for Malaysian  submissions is 6 June. We’re very excited and looking forward to watch your works! KLEX admin assistants are now in the process of arranging the submissions, and soon the package will be sent to our curators. We’ll start our viewing sessions in June, and will finalize the selection in August.

Due to a large number of submissions, we’ll only notify the selected artists.

However, you’re welcome to write to us ([email protected]) regarding the status of your work by 1 September, 2014.

Selected artists are required to send additional material to us upon request, no later than 20 September.

Thank you again and looking forward to witness your “first times”!

Kok Siew Wai
KLEX Festival Director