“KLEX at Dasein Academy of Art”

Venue: Dasein Academy of Art
Date & Time:  23 July 2013 @ 3-4:30pm
Curator/Presenter: Kok Siew Wai
Performer: Yong Yandsen

This is a special KLEX program that consists of 10 videos from Malaysia, Hong Kong, Japan and Hungry, literally or indirectly exploring the themes of nostalgia, recollection, memory and internal dialogues. Besides, there’ll be a short audio-visual performance by solo saxophonist Yong Yandsen, accompanying a video by Koji Tambata (Japan). Participating artists include Wong Eng Leong, Au Sow Yee, Satake Maki, Nakamura Akiko, Charlotte Lim Lay Kuen, Kok Siew Wai, June Kyu Park, Peter Lichter, Kamal Sabran and Choi Sai Ho.
