“KLEX Malaysian Programme”

Venue: Médiathèque François Mitterrand, France
Date & Time: 8 April 2013, 8:30pm
Curator: Kok Siew-Wai, in collaboration with David Kidman and Marie-Hélène Breuil

A special KLEX programme featuring Malaysian works will be showing at the  “14eme Festival du Cinéma Asiatque de Tours” festival in France. The programme aims to provide a brief introduction to contemporary Malaysian filmmakers and video artists creating works with a touch of experimentation in Malaysia. Participating artists include WONG Eng-Leong, CHAN Seauhuvi, Okui Lala, THIAN Siew-Kim, Charlotte LIM Lay-Kuen, Niralji RAVISHANKER, KOK Siew-Wai, Alison KHOR, Mafa, Jack CHEONG and Alphonse CHERN.

