“From Remembering To Rising”

Venue: Sabah State Museum
Date & Time: 8 June 2013 @ 2:30-4pm
Curator: Kok Siew Wai

KLEX program is touring to east Malaysia! “From Remembering To Rising” will be shown in the Kota Kinabalu International Film Festival 2013 on Saturday, 8 June, 2:30-4pm at the Sabah State Museum.

This is a special KLEX program that consists of video works from Malaysia, Hungary, Japan and USA, literally or indirectly exploring the themes of nostalgia, recollection, memory and internal dialogues.

Featuring works from Akiko Nakamura, Alison Khor, Maki Satake, Wong Eng Leong, Kamal Sabran, Siew-wai Kok, Charlotte Lim Lay Kuen, Peter Litchter, June Kyu Park and Charles Fairbanks.

For more details:
