Thank You 2016

Dear artists, thank you for your submission to KLEX 2016! Our call-for-work is officially closed now! Thank you so much for your interest and enthusiasm in this grassroot festival of experimental arts in Kuala Lumpur! This year, we have received 250 submissions from around the world. Aside from Malaysian submissions, we received works from Austria, Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Japan, Iceland, Indonesia, Italy, Iran, Mexico, Philippines, Romania, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, UK, USA, Vietnam and more. It’s really interesting and amazing for a little festival like KLEX to receive works from such an extensive geographical area. Experimental filmmakers and artists unite! July will be the time for organization of the submissions by our small volunteer team; and in August the curatorial team will view all the films and meet up for discussions. The selected artists will be informed by mid September. And then we’ll be busy preparing for the year end festival in November! Thank you all again and we’re excited to anticipate the line-up of KLEX 2016!