Send us your irrepressible, experimental work in film & video for KLEX 2012!


KLEX – Kuala Lumpur Experimental Film & Video Festival 2012


Deadline: Postmarked by 20 July 2012

Festival Dates: 21-25 November 2012

Short text on “Deframed”: As an artist working with film and video, you use the frame as your medium to express, experiment and communicate. A frame holds your mess together and put it in place and in context – your ideas, emotions, memories, yearnings, desires… It is your canvas, your stage and your asylum, you feel safe and comfortable living in this little universe. And then one day, you notice that the edge of this frame starts to crack…

Use the word “Deframed” as an inspiration for your new experiment with film and video for the 3rd KLEX 2012!

You can download the Entry Form here.

Contact: [email protected]