Heritage (2013)
1:53 min/sound
WONG Eng Leong, Malaysia
A cultural heritage, once demolished, can never be rebuilt

We Either Meet in This World… (2012)
14:00 min/sound
Daniel Höpfner & Iris Niedermeyer, Germany
Forced to leave his old home in Wolkenberg (Klěšnik) because of resettlement, Mr L. finds himself in a small room packed with his belongings. The room is in a building in the middle of a vast industrial zone. Great plumes of smoke obscure the sky. Instead of checking that all of his possessions are there, Mr L. starts to explore his new accommodation and the immediate neighbourhood, step by step.

Cage (2012)
9:44 min/sound
LIM Chee Yong, Malaysia/Taiwan
To illustrate the trapped condition, there are some pigs have been caged just by two walls and a gate. Each of us is often trapped in our blind spots, someone is pursuing money, love, and materials in their whole life, but we never really think of what is more important compare to those things. Time flies, when we are old, what would be the outcome if we never change our thought. Maybe I would like those pigs, whose are so eager to be run away from the system of society. Nevertheless, every pent-up emotions need to have a solution.

Panic Room (2011)
6:00 min/sound
IP Yuk Yiu, Hong Kong
Shot over a three-month period, PANIC ROOM documents a small Tokyo apartment before and after the Great East Japan earthquake and the ensuing nuclear outbreak in 2011. The ordinary apartment, a seemingly uneventful domestic space, suddenly becomes a mirror of both a collapsing physical reality and a shaken personal state, creating an intertwining parallel between the external and the psychological that reflects the panicking times of the great catastrophe.

Demon Kills (2011)
4:56 min/sound
MAK Ying Ping, Hong Kong
A boy confesses why he commits suicide at his school. Troubled by hallucination of demons around him, He decides to stand up to demon and exposes them. Only he has to bear with consequences that come along. Bullied and isolated, the boy becomes more mentally unstable and goes into hiding. Upon discovering more demons lurking in city, he decides to find out where these devils come from and embarks on a journey into far north wilderness.

Save the Whales (2013)
1:40 min/Sound
Isabel Fondevila, USA
This short piece explores the relationship between evangelical and environmental salvation mythology through the playful juxtaposition of public domain speech, sound and images.

E-mong (2013)
2:46 min/sound
Hyun Il Cho, South Korea
Busy, Busy, Busy. Living in different contexts, we are consistently trying to ignore each other. Meanwhile, we have found that we have our emergency exits in our pockets, thus hope to feel the resonance of one’s own there. It even feels like an irony that we live in the same space. What is the sound of absurdity ringing in this situation? There is asynchrony in synchrony.

Spinning Real (2012)
Maria Manasterny, Germany
The short film “Spinning Real” fathoms the borders of identity and self-perception. Seemingly real memories are intertwoven with hallucinations, which unfold into an uncanny and nightmarish atmosphere.

The Guise (2012)
10:04 min/sound
Ines von Bonhorst and Yuri Pirondi, UK
“The Guise” is a multimedia piece inspired by the allegory of Plato’s cave. Socrates describes a group of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all of their lives, facing a blank wall. The prisoners watch shadows projected on the wall by people passing in front of a fire behind them, and begin to ascribe forms to these shadows. Such prisoners would mistake appearance for reality, they would think the things they see on the wall (the shadows) were real; they would know nothing of the real causes of the shadows. They born and raised to that life and they are afraid to change. The chains made these human beings bind to themselves and to their lives.

Chorus of Wishes (2012)
3:00 min/sound
YoungJae Oh, South Korea
“Chorus of Wishes” suggests a new field of vision as a modern visual language by focusing on the talismanic signs that went through a long journey from the ancient. The talismanic signs have retained the symbolic richness of the images through thousands of years. In today’s media environment, the formative exploration of the sign will be a creative attempt to express profound, exquisite, and unique images representing unique Korean culture and emotions. These attempts seek ways to combine various media and require continuous research and creative experiments to extend and develop the signs as formative languages.

Tape Loading Error (2012)
2:55 min/sound
Sandra Araújo, Portugal
Animation exploring the visual culture of video games and the spread of popular gif files. The imagery of Magritteʼs surrealist paintings gives a working platform for modular elements and texture, thus sharing, the action with layers that emulate lo-fi quality and bug / glitch images of early computer machines.

The Age of Anxiety (2013)
14:00 min/sound
Taiki Sakpisit, Thailand
The Age of Anxiety meditates on fin de siècle Thailand. The film deconstructs the hallucinatory film footages of the Thai melodrama of the 80’s into thousands of frantic fragments, like the violent stabs of disturbing memories, perpetual nightmares and reinventing histories, that ascend the viewers into the mind-expanding horizons of a fragile nation on the verge of madness.