Send us your original, irrepressible, unconventional experimental works in film & video for KLEX 2013!

The 4th KLEX – Kuala Lumpur Experimental Film & Video Festival 2013
Deadline: 20 May 2013 (Postmarked)
Festival Dates: Mid November 2013

Short text on “Metamorphosis”: “Ancient myth predicted a closure of some sort in our human stories for a point in time not too long ago. We know only so much. Nature is beyond our imagination. Who knows what will happen tomorrow? Is there a tomorrow? We anticipate, retrospect, and we wait. Quietly yet extensively gathering massive energy. Awaiting the dawn.

And then, it happens!

Now, we are here, you and me, all of us.
And this is the tomorrow. Are you ready?”

Use the word “Metamorphosis” as an inspiration for your new experiment with film and video for the 4th KLEX 2013!

You can download the Entry Form here.
