Happy New Year 2016!


We apologize for a follow-up of KLEX 2015 in end of November. 2015 is a very hectic year for us! Four days after festival, we went to Singapore and presented a KLEX programme at the 26th Singapore International Film Festival. The last ride of the 2015 roller coaster happened a week after SGIFF, where we flew to Nanjing upon the invitation of the Chinese Independent Film Festival (CIFF), and presented a KLEX programme in China for the very first time!
We’d like to thank all of you for supporting this humble artist-run festival that celebrates the experimental and alternative voices in the arts from Kuala Lumpur! The festival went well! KLEX 2015 received over 350 submissions, we showed 46 works out of them in KLEX screenings and single channel video installations. Aside from our KLEX programmes, we showed guest programmes from Germany, the prestigious Berlinale Spotlight Shorts Go Abroad; from Poland, of Play Poland Film Festival / O!PLA Across The Borders; from Canada, Vidéographe; from Australia, nano film lab, and also from Thailand.This year marked a new mile stone for us, that is, to modify the festival’s name officially to include “music”, more true to our work encompassing film, video and music. KLEX has been injecting the element of music since 2011 in its audio-visual programme. Last year, we launched monthly series “Serious Play Improv Lab” (SPIL) focusing on improvisation in music and performance. This year, we’re very grateful to have several prominent figures in new and experimental music to be our festival guests, including Bob Ostertag, Jaap Blonk and Sachiko M. It’s the strongest musicians line-up in our festival so far!
KLEX 2015 had somehow became a “reunion” place for several artists, some haven’t seen each other for 15 years, some met “online” and this was the first time they saw each other in person, all at KLEX 2015! It’s our pleasure to provide such platform for friendship and interaction through the arts. This was also the first time ever in 6 years that we managed to have festival merchandise, tote bags! (It’s a step forward, haha!)Thank you again to the venue partners Lostgens Contemporary Art Space, Findars, Department of Drama & Visuals at New Era College, Da Huang Pictures; all participating artists and musicians, audience and the super dedicated and helpful volunteers of KLEX 2015 (we apologize for a few sleepless nights for you guys)! We appreciate your contribution and support very much! Also, attached along with the email is a pdf of some photos from KLEX 2015 :)Let’s meet again in 2016! Happy New Year!

KLEX Committee 2015

