screening findars1

The KLEX team would like to express our sincere gratitude to all KLEX 2016 festival guests: artists, filmmakers, musicians, performers, curators and researchers that contribute to the rich content with inspiring works in film, video and music at KLEX 2016: SPARK. Thank you to our festival partners Goethe Institute Malaysia, Next New Wave, Korean Association of Film Education (KAFE), Lostgens’ Contemporary Art Space and Findars Art Space. Thank you for the audience who came to see the events, such attentive audience with serious interests and curiosity about what we do. What a cool crowd that we had at our little festival this year!

We’d also like to thank all participating artists, musicians and collaborators for KLEX related events throughout year 2016. We are especially grateful to involve in a few important projects, such as Iskarnival IP Kreatif 2016, Asian Meeting Festival 2016 Kuala Lumpur – Crossing Over, and hosting acclaimed German composer and musician Frank Gratkowski’s first tour in Kuala Lumpur. These projects have no doubt provide us more exposure in the local and international art scenes. In conclusion, 2016 was a really fruitful year for KLEX! Thank you everyone for your contribution and support!

Lovely people, we’ll see you again KLEX related events, SPIL series, and the year end KLEX 2017 festival! Mark your calendar already!


klex-geusts klex-team